On 25 March 2024 we introduced an online application form for the General Housing Register. Please read the information below carefully.
The online form provides a simpler, quicker and more accessible application process with relevant and helpful up-to-date guidance for customers.
To apply for inclusion on the Oxford Register for Affordable Housing (ORAH) you'll need to complete an application form and supply documents about your household and circumstances.
If accepted you will be told how to bid for properties advertised weekly using Choice Based Lettings.
When completing an application form please ensure you answer all the questions fully and provide all the information requested otherwise we will not be able to process your application.
All information will be treated as confidential, although information may be shared if we need to check against fraud or follow-up information about your housing needs.
We will take action against anyone found to have been fraudulently applying for accommodation or not giving full details of their circumstances.
We require all these documents, as evidence, to support your application.
Where a bank statement is requested you should send a full bank statement in PDF format. Don't send screenshots or photos of bank transactions as these do not include the required information and we will not accept them.
Before applying please use the self-assessment tool to check your eligibility.
If you're eligible, please use the link below to start the form.
Please call us on 01865 249811 if you have any difficulties completing the form or have any questions.
You will be given an application reference number after submitting the online form. Please make a note of this number in case you need it later.
If you provided an email address you will also be sent an automatic confirmation email which will include the application reference number. Please contact us if you don’t receive this within an hour of submitting your application (remember to check your spam folder).
We will then assess the application and write to you with the result.
The application process can take 12 weeks or longer. Submitting all your evidence online or sending in your evidence as soon as possible will reduce processing times.
We may also contact you if we require further information.
Telephone: 01865 249811